Monday, December 26, 2011

Keeping Your Water Clean - Make Water Filters a Priority

!9#: Keeping Your Water Clean - Make Water Filters a Priority

In this article, Mike Adams shares on making water filters a priority. Mike Adams is the founder of Natural

Kevin: Let's switch gears here and this is probably an even bigger topic. I get so many questions about filters and that's one of the reasons why I decided to put together this program, because people are really confused about water filters. They're confused about distilled water. They're confused about reverse osmosis. They're confused about carbon filters. Let's talk a little bit about all of those and what have you seen that's working in terms of the specific types of filters and then we'll talk about the different brands that maybe you've done some independent research on.

Mike: Okay.

Kevin: What are the pluses and minuses of each one?

Mike: Okay, sure. Well, the most important thing in all this, I think, is just use some filter. Let's just start there. Some people end up hesitating, a deer in the headlights situation and they don't buy any filter, because they don't know which one to buy. That's worst case, because you definitely want to filter. The second thing is, don't forget the shower. I think we actually absorb more toxic chemicals from the water and the shower than we would drinking tap water and that's because first of all, there is lot more water rushing over your body, because I might take a shower in 10 gallons of water, but you're sure not to drink 10 gallons of water. Secondly, the hot water, of course, opens your pores. So it makes your pores able to absorb all the chlorine and all these other chemicals that could be in the water. So I think for many people, the shower is if not the first place to start it certainly should be high in list. You've got to have a shower filter and then of course, a drinking water filter at the same time. So I think there's two filters that are necessary. In my own home, Kevin, I use reverse osmosis in my kitchen and then I use basically, a carbon block filter from Aquasana, which also has some material that in it that absorbs the VOCs, the volatile organic chemicals and that takes care of everything I'm concerned about the shower and I've also started to carry a shower filter with me when I travel. As you go to a hotel or resort -- I was saying in a condo in Florida a couple weeks ago doing some work there and I brought a shower fertile filter with me and it was a good thing, too, because they use a lot of chlorine down there.

Kevin: Okay.

Mike: So pack it in your luggage and bring it with you and you can quickly install it in a hotel. Just be sure not to forget and leave it there. Take it back home with you.

Kevin: The thing about the shower filters, they're not that expensive.

Mike: Not at all. No. I mean or ?

Kevin: Yeah.

Mike: The cartridge usually lasts a year?

Kevin: Yeah.

Mike: Which is amazing to me that they can absorb that much material over that long of a period of time.

Kevin: I know.

Mike: The cost is really quite low.

Kevin: Why did you choose reverse osmosis?

Mike: Well, I like the way the system is configured, because it can generate water ahead of time.

Kevin: Okay.

Mike: Then there's a tank under the sink. I also like the fact that RO gets the particulate matter in the water down to very low number. For me, I think it's down to 40 ppm right now and that's a pretty good number. It means to have a base water to work with, because I don't expect my water to really have minerals and it and if I'm going to add minerals I'm going to blend it with some organic celery, for example, or other super fruits and things like that. That's how I get my minerals. I don't really want minerals in my water. I could have gone with water distillation, but the reason I don't like that, Kevin, is it takes so much energy to distill water and I think it's bad for the environment.

Kevin: Okay.

Mike: You think about the energy it takes and the electricity it takes and how much coal is being burned down the road, just to boil that gallon of water. That's too much. I know some people would say well, what about reverse osmosis. It wastes so much water. It wastes 5 gallons of water, typically, for every 1 gallon that it produces. I understand that, but that's a conscious decision. I think that wasting water is less bad for the environment than burning coal to boil water. You really can't waste water. I know you can waste fresh water, but that water isn't gone. It goes back in the environment and it comes back around later. We can still drink it later.

Kevin: It's not like you're adding anything to it that would poison the environment more.

Mike: Exactly. It's not like it's leaving the planet. It's here.

Kevin: Right.

Mike: We just have to clean it again.

Kevin: Right. You're not shipping it off to Mars.

Mike: Right. If we were losing water we'd be in real trouble on earth.

Kevin: Yeah, I know. I know some people can't afford the high ticket filters. The 0 and 0 and 0, ,000 filters. What do you think about some of the stuff that you can buy at the store? Say you go to Kmart or something like that and there's a Brita filter or something like that.

Mike: I think it's a great place to start. I really do.

Kevin: Okay.

Mike: There's not a lot of stuff that Kmart or Wal-Mart that I recommend, but this is one of them. Pur or Brita is the other popular brand. These are great. They really do work. They remove a lot of these dangerous chemicals. On the issue of money, Kevin, I don't want some blunt or inconsiderate or insensitive, but the fact is people can afford these things. It's just a question of priorities. I've had people come into the health clinic and they've spent ,000 on in vitro fertilization with drugs and needles and it didn't work and then they complained about having spent on acupuncture that might actually restore their fertility. People spend money on Starbucks coffee, 00 a year. People spend money and all kinds of crazy stuff. You've got the money, believe me. You've got the money to buy water filters. It's just a question of whether it's important to you. That's all. If you think you can't afford it, well, disconnect your cable. You save or a month right there. Disconnect cable and get yourself a water filter. It's better to not poison your body than it is to poison your brains from cable TV, isn't it?

Kevin: I haven't had TV in years.

Mike: I know. Who has time?

Keeping Your Water Clean - Make Water Filters a Priority

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Dechlorinating Shower Filter Does Not Provide the Protection You Need

!9# A Dechlorinating Shower Filter Does Not Provide the Protection You Need

You should only buy a dechlorinating shower filter that also removes THMs, chlorination byproducts. Most of them do not.

They came on the market initially as a cosmetic aid. Beauty experts advised their clients about the affects of chlorine on the hair and skin. Before showerhead systems came on the market, models often washed their hair in bottled water. If they are staying in a hotel, many of them still do.

Yes, chlorine dries out the hair and skin. The vapors irritate the eyes and respiratory system. They even trigger asthma attacks. But, the biggest long-term health risk is from THM exposure, chlorination byproducts.

The average dechlorinating shower filter does nothing to protect you from THMs. There are only two or three products on the market that do. One is very affordable, costing less than . Another is very expensive, costing over 0. Since they have the same effectiveness, I would choose the less expensive brand.

What is the long-term health risk of THM exposure? According to studies conducted in 2007, exposure to THMs in homes with chlorinated water doubles a person's chances of developing bladder cancer. Exposure occurs in a variety of ways.

In the shower, they become gases and are inhaled. In the kitchen, when you are washing dishes by hand, the gases are again inhaled. When cooking with unfiltered water, they are again released. When you drink a glass of unfiltered water, you are ingesting them. They are present in many bottled beverages, as well.

In a bath or shower, the chemicals are absorbed through your skin, as they are if you swim in a chlorinated pool. If you live in the US, the level deemed safe by the EPA did not consider multiple areas of exposure. They were based on the assumption that your only source of exposure was through drinking and that you weighed 175 pounds.

As you can see, a dechlorinating shower filter is not the only thing that you need. You need an effective filter on your kitchen type. Just to let you know, Brita and PUR devices do NOT remove THMs or VOCs, another health hazard that exists in publicly treated supplies.

In order to make it easier for you, many companies provide product performance data, certifications from Underwriter's Laboratory and certificates from the California Department of Health. If a company does not have those certifications or provide complete performance data before you buy, then you are probably getting a dechlorinating shower filter, but you are not getting full protection.

I believe, as do many health experts, that we can reduce the incidence of cancer in our lifetime, just by taking simple steps to limit our exposure to known carcinogens. You don't smoke. You might eat organic food. Those are good steps to take, but limiting your exposure to THM is an excellent step, as well.

So, install a dechlorinating shower filter, with certified THM reduction, and a similar kitchen system and start protecting your long-term health. Your family needs you to stay healthy.

A Dechlorinating Shower Filter Does Not Provide the Protection You Need

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

5 Gallon Water Dispenser - Pros and Cons

!9# 5 Gallon Water Dispenser - Pros and Cons

The use of bottled water around the globe has been rapidly increasing in recent years. With the belief that drinking bottled water is better for your health, many spend money on installing a 5 gallon water dispenser in their homes or offices. Before you decide whether or not you should do the same, make sure you are aware of the many factors involved in the making and use of water bottles, and the water contained.

The Pros of using bottle water dispensers are fairly obvious, but let's take a more detailed look:

You are given the choice of which water brand to use since most of them today provide the 5 gallon standard bottles and home delivery services. Freedom in placing the dispenser anywhere you want, like tables, desks, room corners, in between furniture. No dealing with problems in public water supply systems, such as rust, shear, corrosion, cracks, leaks and so on. Independent source of water in the cases when a water regime or malfunction is present in your area, such as shortage of water supply, lack of pressure or clogged main pipes. Easy to replace or upgrade a dispenser without doing tedious installation work and dealing with water supply systems, pipes, wrenches and drilling holes.

The Cons have mainly to do with the safety, health and environment considerations that come with the use of bottles:

Nearly half of the brands claiming to be selling pristine, purified, natural, healthy water sell nothing more than tap water, sometimes treated additionally, at a hundreds of times higher cost per gallon. While tap municipal tap water is regularly tested by Environmental Protection Agency and cover its standards, bottled water is not as these institutes have no authority over private water distribution. Around 90 % of the used water bottles are thrown into regular trash bins at the expense of greater costs for the environment. The material (oil derived Polyethylene Therephthalate, a.k.a. PET), used to make a water bottle, wastes up nearly 3 times more water to make than will ever go into the bottle! PET production and the truck delivery of bottled water end up in air emissions that poison the air as well as adding to the overall cost because of the fuel used.

As you can see it really is a matter of accessibility and saving time, versus environmental care and awareness. With the increasing popularity of glass-made water bottles some of the issues are being resolved. Although heavier than plastic ones, they are 100 % safe and cost much less to produce. In the end, whether or not to use a 5 gallon water dispenser is a personal choice to each one of us and something that would continue to create debates in the future.

5 Gallon Water Dispenser - Pros and Cons

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Brita Water Filter Review - It's Not As Cheap As You Think

!9# Brita Water Filter Review - It's Not As Cheap As You Think

How does the Brita water filter stack up with others? Is it really as good as the company claims? Here is a review to help you find out.

Company facts

The firm is located in the United Kingdom. It's one of the better known purifier companies today.

In fact, it gets more searches in Google than any water filter company out there. One of the reasons for this is that just about all the major stores sell them.

What kind of filters do they make?

They only produce a pitcher and faucet model. In other words, they have a fairly narrow selection.

But let's get to the good stuff.

Is a Brita model a good investment? Here are the pros and cons to help you find out:


Space efficient

Neither model takes up a lot of room, as you might expect. A pitcher purifier is kept in the fridge, and the faucet won't take up any of the countertop.

Easy to install

The pitcher model obviously doesn't require any installation. The faucet one does, but it's very simple. You won't have to hire anyone or use any special equipment to put it in.



Do NOT be fooled by the upfront cost. A lot of people get excited when they see the -35 price tag. When compared with the 0+ prices of others, this does look very cheap.

It's not.

The problem is, you have to change the filter very frequently. That's where they get you.

How expensive is it to change the cartridge?

You will have to pay for the pitcher filter. It needs replacing every 40 gallons.

The faucet model will last you around 100 gallons, but the replacement model costs are . In other words, the price per gallon for both is roughly the same--$.2. This is at least 25-50% higher than you'd pay with other firms.

In other words, if you own your Brita model for longer than 11 months, you will lose money. Since the performance of the purifier is average at best, there is no reason to pay this much for it.

Conclusion: it's great you are thinking about improving your health. But a Brita water filter isn't the answer.

Brita Water Filter Review - It's Not As Cheap As You Think

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why would a pitcher of water while filtering also beats the competition

!9# Why would a pitcher of water while filtering also beats the competition

While the water pitcher filter Plus is an easy way to get better water for cheap. Most bottled water is really just filtered tap water anyway. Why not use a proper filter and save the waste of water bottles in tow? Not to mention save the entire country to fill the space filled with bottles of water. Here is how to make sense Even though water filter.

These filters are good for about 40 liters of water. So with the filters is a bargain compared to mineral water. You will quickly noticeWhile filters are similar to Brita water filters. The designs are similar and so are the costs. This one is different ...

While filters are certified to reduce Cryptosporidium and Giardia. These parasites are sometimes found in drinking water. Even should the future, the Brita is not certified to remove them. Maybe this is your water has parasites in it. Perhaps it is not, however, occur while in need, if any.

While filters contain activated carbon to reduce chlorine taste and moreWater. You will notice that many types of filtration systems do not contain carbon to improve the taste. The other part of the filter is a section of plastic, lead and copper, which both reduces health risks. To leave the filter in the Brita fluoride.

While also the pitcher of water filter produces great-tasting water, while reducing the harmful minerals and chemicals. They are certified to reduce the parasites Cryptosporidium and Giardia, the Brita is not certified to do. BeatMineral water and eliminate a lot of waste with the filter for the water itself.

Why would a pitcher of water while filtering also beats the competition

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Aquasana AQ-4000 Drinking Water System

!9#Aquasana AQ-4000 Drinking Water System

Brand : Aquasana
Rate :
Price : $124.99
Post Date : Sep 22, 2011 17:06:27
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Aquasana is the #1 rated home water filtration system in America, works better & costs less than any other brand! Top 10 Water Filter Comparison This patented twin cartridge drinking water filter installs in seconds to standard kitchen faucets and provides up to 30 gallons an hour of ultra-filtered high quality water for drinking, cooking and other beverages. Includes filter housing? chrome faucet diverter? twin filter cartridge set (lasts 6 months/filters 500 gallons), easy to follow instructions and cartridge re-order forms. Replacement filters cost .00 every 6 months/500 gallons...that's only 9¢ a gallon/ .00 a month for a virtually unlimited supply of "healthy water". Includes 2 filter cartridges? faucet adapter & instructions.

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Aquasana Countertop Water Filter System AQ-4000

!9# Aquasana Countertop Water Filter System AQ-4000

Rate : | Price : $89.00 | Post Date : Sep 19, 2011 01:25:34
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Aquasana's patented dual cartridge drinking water filter installs in seconds on standard kitchen faucets and provides up to 30 gallons an hour of ultra-filtered, high-quality water for drinking, cooking and preparing beverages. Includes filter housing, chrome faucet diverter, twin filter cartridge set (lasts 6 months/filters 500 gallons), and easy-to-follow instructions.

Replace the filter cartridges every six months with Aquasana AQ-4025 dual cartridge replacement filters. Always have fresh filters right when you need them, receive a 20% discount on replacements and extend your system warranty with Aquasana's Water For Life auto-ship cartridge program.

Contaminant Reduction:
99.3% of Chlorine taste and odor
98.7% of Lead @ 6.5pH
99.0% of Lead @ 8.5pH
99.987% of Cryptosporidium (cyst)
98.46% of Particulate, Class I particles 0.5 to <1µm
99.6% of VOCs(by surrogate testing using chloroform)
>95% of Trihalomethanes*(THMs)
*V.O.C.s tested by chloroform surrogate as specified in NSF Standard 53.

For an expanded list of contaminants reduced please see the Aquasana AQ-4000 performance sheet. Performance testing was perfomed by Underwriters Laboratories to NSF Standards 42 & 53. While testing was performed under standard laboratory conditions, actual peformance may vary. California Department of Health Certificate #06-1792

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